Та Хонг Конгоос манай үйлсэд нэгдэж,
бодит өөрчлөлт бий болгох боломжтой
Насан туршид тань УРАМ ЗОРИГ өгөх,
бусдад туслах БОЛОМЖ хайж байна уу?

Volunteer in Hong Kong
CNCF HK organises several different events during the year to support the work of the Foundation in providing a better future for children in Vietnam and Mongolia. Our biggest annual events are the Ladies’ Long Lunch, held each year on the Friday of the HK7s and now in its 11th year and the Wednesday Afternoon Golf Society (WAGS) fun golf day held in late November or early December. We are always looking for volunteers to support our events or to assist in the office, if this is you and you can spare a few hours each week please get in touch, we would love to hear from you! Find out more: Volunteer In Hong Kong.

Fundraise in Hong Kong
We are always looking for inspirational individuals to help raise funds to help CNCF continue their live-saving work for some of the world’s most disadvantaged children and communities. From school bake sales to fashion shows, to climbing mountains and challenging yourself physically, you can fundraise for CNCF and in doing so, help to transform the lives of those who need it most. Get in touch to find out more! Find out more: Fundraise in Hong Kong
Contact our team in Hong Kong to find out more about volunteering, fundraising, donating or for any other questions you might have.
Meet CNCF Hong Kong’s Representatives

Ann Chan
General Manager

Claire Ann Rego
Corporate Team
One Person Can Make A Difference From Hong Kong.
You Can Make A Difference.
Our Partners:
Companies and institutions that help us make a difference.
We are deeply thankful to all of them.
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