by admin | Sep 13, 2021
by admin | Jun 15, 2021
by admin | Sep 1, 2020
by Olivia | Jun 29, 2020
Christina Noble OBE, bằng nỗ lực và tấm gương của chính mình cùng với tấm lòng bao dung, đã cho thế giới thấy rằng trẻ em đường phố cũng là một phần quan trọng của thế giới – rằng có thể ngăn chặn được việc lạm dụng và ngược đãi trẻ em. Trao đi yêu thương, và đem lại giá trị bản thân cho hơn 700.000 trẻ em đặc biệt này và gia đình ở Mông Cổ và Việt Nam. Bà đã cho chúng ta thấy rằng các em được trao quyền để hoàn thành vai trò phù hợp trong xã hội. Các em có thể, và sẽ là tương lai của đất nước. Kể từ năm 1991, Christina Noble và Hiệp Hội của bà đã thành lập hơn 150 dự án / chương trình tại Việt Nam và Mông Cổ. Ngày nay, công việc của Hiệp Hội tác động đến cuộc sống của hơn 20.000 trẻ em và gia đình hàng năm.
Кристина Нобле OBE өөрийн хичээл зүтгэл, дайчин зориг, бусдад харамгүй үйлчлэх хүсэл эрмэлзлээрээ гудамжны хүүхдүүд бол хүн төрөлхтний амин чухал хэсэг болохыг дэлхий дахинд харуулж, хүүхдийн бүх хэлбэрийн хүчирхийллийг таслан зогсоохын төлөө тууштай тэмцсээр ирэн юм. Тэрээр Монгол, Вьетнам дахь 700,000 гаруй хүүхдүүд болон тэдний гэр бүлийг хайраар тэтгэж, тэдэнд итгэл найдвар өгснөөр тэд нийгэмд хүлээсэн үүргээ зохих ёсоор биелүүлэх боломж бүрддэгийг харуулж чадсан. Тэдгээр хүмүүс бол улс орныхоо хойч ирээдүй мөн билээ. 1991 оноос хойш Кристина Нобле болон түүний Сан нь Вьетнам болон Монгол улсад 170 гаруй төсөл хөтөлбөрийн суурийн тавьж, амжилттай хэрэгжүүлж ирсэн. Өдгөө тус Сангаар дамжуулан жил бүр 20,000 гаруй хүүхэд, тэдний гэр бүлийн амьдралд бодитоор нөлөө үзүүлж байна.
Christina Noble OBE, has, by her own effort and example and with an unselfish willingness to serve, shown the world that street children are a vital part of humanity – that the abuse and maltreatment suffered by children can be stopped. By providing love, and by giving back dignity to over 700,000 of these special children and their families in Mongolia and Vietnam, she has shown us that they can be empowered to fulfil their proper role in society. They can, and will be their countries’ future. Since 1991 Christina Noble and her Foundation have established over 170 projects/programmes in Vietnam and Mongolia. Today the work of the Foundation impacts the lives of over 20,000 children and their families annually.
Helenita là một nhà hoạt động nhân đạo nhiệt huyết và là người ủng hộ quyền trẻ em, đã làm việc cùng với mẹ là Nhà sáng lập Christina Noble trong lĩnh vực này từ năm 1996.
Vào tháng 1 năm 2016, Helenita đảm nhận vai trò Giám đốc điều hành để bắt đầu thay đổi tổ chức nhằm đảm bảo cho mẹ cô và di sản của gia đình cũng như sự bền vững của Hiệp Hội.
Hiện đang làm việc tại Việt Nam, Helenita đã lãnh đạo việc thành lập và phát triển Ban Điều Hành CNCF Toàn cầu mới do bà làm Giám đốc.
Хеленита нь 1996 оноос хойш Сангийн үүсгэн байгуулагч буюу өөрийн ээж Кристина Ноблетой мөр зэрэгцэн ажиллаж ирсэн хүмүүнлэгийн үйлстэн, хүүхдийн эрхийн төлөө тууштай тэмцэгч юм.
Хеленита 2016 оны 1-р сараас эхлэн ээжийнхээ болон гэр бүлийнхээ үйл хэргийг үргэлжлүүлж, Сангийн урт хугацааны тогтвортой байдал, аюулгүй байдлыг хангах томоохон өөрчлөлтүүдийг эхлүүлэх үүднээс Гүйцэтгэх захирлын албан тушаалд томилогдсон.
Өдгөө Вьетнамд ажиллаж байгаа тэрээр КНХС-ийн олон улсын Удирдах зөвлөлийг шинээр байгуулж, удирдан явуулж байна.
Helenita is a passionate humanitarian and staunch advocate of children’s rights who has worked alongside her mother Founder Christina Noble in the field since 1996.
In January 2016, Helenita accepted the role of CEO to initiate organisation change to secure her mother and the family’s legacy and the long-term sustainability and security of the Foundation.
Helenita who is currently based in Vietnam led the creation and development of the new CNCF International Board of Directors which she is a Director of.
Thomas Minter là Giám đốc Điều hành của CNCF Mông Cổ, và cũng là cháu trai của Christina Noble. Với nền tảng là kinh doanh và khởi nghiệp, anh đã điều hành thành công các tổ chức của riêng mình trong mười lăm năm trước khi được Christina Noble đề nghị điều hành tại Mông Cổ. Thomas đến Mông Cổ vào năm 2013, trong thời gian đó, nhân viên của Hiệp hội đã tăng hơn gấp đôi từ ba mươi lên sáu mươi lăm và số lượng các chương trình phát triển cộng đồng, cụ thể là làm việc với các gia đình khó khăn nhất của đất nước, đã tăng từ năm lên mười một chương trình.
Thomas, cùng với mẹ là Giám đốc điều hành Helenita Noble, nằm trong Ban điều hành toàn cầu của Hiệp Hội để đảm bảo rằng triết lý của Christina sẽ luôn là trọng tâm và mãi mãi tiếp tục là động lực của Hiệp Hội Bảo trợ trẻ em Christina Noble.
Thomas được bổ nhiệm làm Giám đốc Ban Quốc tế CNCF vào tháng 01 năm 2018.
“Tôi không muốn tất cả những người tốt muốn giúp đỡ ở bên ngoài tổ chức. Tôi muốn tất cả họ trở thành một phần của một vòng tròn lớn để giúp đỡ trẻ em, bảo vệ chúng và trả lại tuổi thơ cho chúng. ”
– Christina Noble –
Thomas Minter is the Director of Operations CNCF Mongolia, and is also Christina Noble’s eldest grandson. His background is in business and entrepreneurship, having successfully run his own organisations for fifteen years before being asked by Christina Noble to take the reins in Mongolia. Thomas arrived in Mongolia in 2013, during which time the Foundation’s staff has more than doubled from thirty to sixty-five, and the number of community development programmes, working with the country’s most disadvantaged families, has increased from five to eleven.
Thomas, along with his mother and Foundation CEO Helenita Noble, sit on the Foundation’s International Board to ensure that Christina’s philosophy will always remain at the heart of, and forever continue to be the driving force of, the Christina Noble Children’s Foundation.
Thomas was appointed Director of the CNCF International Board in January 2018.
Androula là một nhà trị liệu tâm lý và là thành viên của Hội đồng Trị liệu Tâm lý Vương quốc Anh. Cô là Trưởng nhóm Sức khỏe Tâm thần tại Bệnh viện Christ’s, một quỹ từ thiện dành cho trẻ em có hoàn cảnh khó khăn được thành lập vào năm 1552 bởi Vua Edward VI. Androula là một bác sĩ lâm sàng, chuyên điều trị Hội chứng sang chấn cũng như Rối loạn căng thẳng sau sang chấn (PTSD). Cô cũng tham gia vào việc phát triển chính sách và thực hiện phương pháp tiếp cận toàn tổ chức để nuôi dưỡng tâm hồn trẻ em được khỏe mạnh thông qua công việc đào tạo và tham vấn với nhân viên.
Trước khi trở thành một nhà trị liệu tâm lý, Androula từng là một nhân viên xã hội, làm việc với trẻ em và gia đình ở Đông Nam nước Anh trong lĩnh vực nuôi dưỡng và nhận con nuôi, hỗ trợ gia đình và bảo vệ trẻ em. Androula cam kết giúp đỡ trẻ em phục hồi sức khỏe tâm thần nhằm mang lại giá trị tương xứng về sức khỏe tinh thần và thể chất.
Mark Devadason has 30 years of international banking experience with a geographically diverse and broad based background covering areas such as corporate and private banking leadership roles, human resources, 8 years as a country CEO, corporate communications and 5 years as Group Head of Sustainability for international bank Standard Chartered.
Mark is currently Senior Advisor Asia of the San Francisco based Business for Social Responsibility ( He also serves on the board of Hong Kong based NGO, the Mekong Club, which is committed to tackling human trafficking and modern slavery in the supply chain. He is also a member and serves on the Hong Kong Committee of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and the International Advisory Council of APCO Worldwide.
Mark was appointed Chair of the CNCF International Board in December 2017.
Mark took on the Chairmanship role of CNCF Australia in 2022.
Michael là một Kế toán Công chứng tài năng từ Vương quốc Anh và đã dành phần lớn sự nghiệp của mình để làm việc ở châu Á, chủ yếu là ở Hồng Kông và Philippines.
Ông có nhiều kinh nghiệm trong các vai trò Tổng Giám Đốc, Giám đốc điều hành, và Giám đốc tài chính cho các công ty tư nhân và nhà nước khác nhau trong ngành viễn thông và quản lý quỹ.
Michael được bổ nhiệm làm Giám đốc Kiểm toán và Tài chính của Hội đồng Quốc tế CNCF vào tháng 03 năm 2018.
Michael is a qualified Chartered Accountant from the UK and has spent the majority of his career working in Asia, principally in Hong Kong and the Philippines.
He has a wide ranging experience fulfilling the roles of CEO, COO and CFO for various public and private companies in the telecommunications and fund management industries.
Michael was appointed Director of Audit and Finance of the CNCF International Board in March 2018.
Christine Cameron là Phó Chủ tịch Cấp cao & Cố vấn Tổng hợp của Turner International. Với vai trò này, cô chịu trách nhiệm giám sát tất cả các vấn đề pháp lý phát sinh từ hoạt động của Turner trên phạm vi quốc tế, bao gồm liên quan đến phân phối nội dung, bán quảng cáo, phát triển kinh doanh / M & A, mua lại chương trình, sản xuất ban đầu, cấp phép và bán hàng, việc làm và các vấn đề pháp lý. Cô quản lý một đội ngũ luật sư và nhân viên hỗ trợ tại 16 quốc gia và có trụ sở tại Hồng Kông.
Christine được bổ nhiệm làm Giám đốc Kinh doanh và Pháp lý của Hội đồng Quốc tế CNCF vào tháng 03 năm 2018. Trước đó Christine cũng đã từng là Giám đốc của CNCF Hồng Kông từ năm 2014.
Christine Cameron is the Senior Vice President & General Counsel of Turner International. In this role, she is responsible for overseeing all legal matters arising from Turner’s operations internationally, including in relation to content distribution, advertising sales, business development/M&A, programming acquisition, original production, licensing and merchandising, employment and regulatory matters. She manages a team of lawyers and support staff in 16 countries and is based in Hong Kong.
Christine was appointed Director of Business and Legal of the CNCF International Board in March 2018. Prior to this Christine had also been a Director of CNCF Hong Kong since 2014.
Erik đã làm việc trên toàn cầu về các vấn đề bền vững trong 34 năm qua. Sự nghiệp của ông bao gồm tư vấn quản lý, công việc trong lĩnh vực kỹ thuật, hỗ trợ các công ty khởi nghiệp sinh thái và công việc chính sách toàn cầu cho Liên hợp quốc. Erik đã thu hút các doanh nghiệp và chính phủ để xây dựng các mối quan hệ đối tác sáng tạo nhằm giải quyết một loạt các vấn đề bền vững. Điều này đòi hỏi phải có sự tham gia trực tiếp của các nguyên thủ quốc gia, các nhà lãnh đạo doanh nghiệp chứ không phải vì lợi nhuận. Công việc truyền thông của ông đã giành được các giải thưởng quốc tế về sự đổi mới. Ông đã có thể xây dựng thêm kinh nghiệm này với tư cách là Cán bộ Đối ngoại của Liên Hợp Quốc làm việc với nhiều phương tiện truyền thông để quảng bá các thông điệp chính và huy động các nguồn lực.
Erik được bổ nhiệm làm Giám đốc Liên lạc và Truyền thông của Ban Điều hành Quốc tế CNCF vào tháng 01 năm 2019.
Erik has worked globally on sustainability issues for the last 30 years. His career has included management consulting, engineering sector work, supporting eco-start ups and global policy work for the United Nations. Erik has engaged business and governments to forge innovative partnerships to address a range of sustainability issues. This has required directly engaging heads of state, business leaders, and not for profits. His communications work has won international awards for innovation. He was able to further build upon this experience as External Affairs Officer for the United Nations working with a wide range of media to promote key messages and mobilize resources.
Erik was appointed Director of Communications and Media of the CNCF International Board in January 2019.
Phil has over 30 years’ experience in the IT sector spanning from IT infrastructure development to overall IT strategy. A graduate from Hong Kong Open University, Phil Aldridge currently holds the position of Chief Operating Officer at FunctionEight Ltd, as well as Chief Technology Officer at HR Tech International in Hong Kong. He also sits on the General Committee of the British Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong as a Director.
Phil was appointed Director of CNCF International Board in September 2022.
Andy is currently the owner of Ellan Vannin Ltd, a consultancy business to the Life Insurance industry in Hong Kong, and Life Administration Services Limited, a master agent life insurance distributor in Asia-Pacific. He started his career in banking and finance in the UK and the Isle of Man, before locating to Hong Kong in 1994. Andy is a member of the Institute of Directors Hong Kong.
Andy was appointed Director of the CNCF International Board in January 2018. Prior to this he had been a member of the CNCF Hong Kong Board since 2014.
Chị Trinh trước đây đã có thời gian làm việc lâu dài với CNCF kể từ khi gia nhập vào năm 2000 với tư cách là Trưởng Phòng Bảo trợ Trẻ em. Chị Trinh sau đó được bổ nhiệm làm Phó Giám đốc vào năm 2003 và được thăng chức lên Giám đốc Điều hành Việt Nam vào năm 2016 sau khi Hiệp Hội thành lập vị trí này lần đầu tiên kể từ khi hoạt động. Chị Trinh đã cống hiến mười tám năm phục vụ xuất sắc cho CNCF và các đối tượng thụ hưởng của dự án. Cùng với trách nhiệm phát triển của hiệp hội, Chị Trinh cũng quản lý tất cả các mối quan hệ đối tác và quan hệ đối tác bên ngoài với các cơ quan chức năng của Chính phủ.
Chị Trinh có bằng thạc sĩ về Phát triển Cộng đồng và Quốc tế – Đại học Deakin, Melbourne.
Chị Trinh tham gia Ban điều hành Quốc tế của CNCF vào tháng 03 năm 2018 với tư cách là Giám đốc và vào năm 2021 được bổ nhiệm là Giám sát của Hội đồng quản trị
Trinh previously enjoyed a long carer with CNCF having joined the Foundation in 2000 as Head of the Child Sponsorship Programme. Trinh was then made Vice Director in 2003 and promoted to Director of Operations Vietnam in 2016 after the Foundation localised the position for the first time since inception. Trinh gave eighteen years of excellent service to CNCF and the beneficiaries in its care. Alongside the responsibility of the organisation’s development, Trinh also managed all external relationships and partnerships with Government authorities.
Trinh has a masters degree in International and Community Development – Deakin University, Melbourne.
Trinh joined CNCF’s International Board in March 2018 as a Director and in 2021 was appointed Board Observer.
Amaraa has been working for the Christina Noble Children’s Foundation for 4 years. As a native Mongolian, who herself grew up in poverty in rural Mongolia, Amaraa deeply understands the challenges that face the children we support and the issues affecting her country. Amaraa is a highly capable, ambitious young woman who continuously strives for self-improvement and growth. She has a true humanitarian spirit and a heart filled with genuine love, understanding and compassion for all people. Through ongoing training and daily interactions with children and adults who have experienced severe trauma, Amaraa has developed an extensive knowledge about human psychology and how to truly support people who are In need. When Amaraa walks into our Blue Skies Ger Village children’s home, the smiles, love and happiness that surround her are testament to the beautiful person she is and the impact she has made on their lives.
Dr. Ngan is a pediatrician, serving at the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA) for the last 28 years. From 2005 to 2018, Ngan was the Director of the Centre for Social Assistance for Disadvantaged Children (CSADC), now the Sunshine Social and Medical Centre (SSMC), a partnership between MOLISA and the Christina Noble Children’s Foundation (CNCF). SSMC has successfully provided international standards of healthcare, rehabilitation, and education to underprivileged and disadvantaged children, transforming them into healthy children and young adults. After retiring from her position at SSMC, in hopes of continuing her contribution to the healthcare of underprivileged children, she is now CNCF’s Healthcare Advisor.
Оливиа нь Вьетнамын Хо Ши Мин дахь КНХС-ийн “Sunshine” нийгэм, эрүүл мэндийн төвд хоёр сарын турш хүүхдүүдтэй сайн дурын ажил хийсний дараа КНХС-ийн баг бүрэлдэхүүнд албан ёсоор орсон. Лондонд (Их Британи) Маркетинг, харилцаа холбооны чиглэлээр арав гаруй жил ажилласан туршлагатай тэрээр 2018 онд Вьетнам руу нүүж, Сангийн харилцаа холбооны багийг бүрдүүлж, өнөөг хүртэл удирдан явуулж байна. Оливиа хүүхдүүдээр хүрээлүүлж, Сангийн үйл хэргийг бусадтай хуваалцах чин хүсэлт эрмэлзэлтэй хүмүүнлэгийн ажилтан юм. Оливиа одоо Их Британид амьдардаг бөгөөд Лондон хотоос сангийн үйл ажиллагаанд гар бие оролцсоор байна.
Olivia joined CNCF full-time after two months volunteering with the children at CNCF’s flagship project, the Sunshine Social and Medical Centre, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. With over ten years of Marketing and Communications experience in London (UK) prior, Olivia relocated to Vietnam in 2018 to build and lead CNCF’s communications team out of the Foundation’s operations. Olivia is a passionate humanitarian who enjoys nothing more than being around the children and communicating the Foundation’s life-transforming work. Olivia now lives in the UK and continues to work for the Foundation from London.
Christophe Delorme is a French national. Experienced Investor Relations with a demonstrated history of working in the investment management industry. Skilled in Volatility, Foreign Exchange (FX) Options, Options, Asset Management, and Securities. Strong entrepreneurship professional with a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) focused in SMEs from EDC Paris Business School. He is a director and co-owner of Akar de Nissim (a luxury furniture company based in Singapore). His main activity remains within his company RSR CAPITAL PTE LTD in Singapore as a consultant and capital raiser for mainly Hedge Funds and real estate.
Christophe Delorme has been invested in a few ventures in Asia (startups and real estate projects) where in keeps a role of activist for some of them.
Với hơn 18 năm kinh nghiệm ở vị trí Giám đốc điều hành tiếp thị cấp cao cho chiến lược tiếp thị mục tiêu cho CPG và các sản phẩm giải trí, Karine ghi dấu ấn của mình bằng thành tích nổi trội trong việc tăng thị phần, doanh số và lợi nhuận thông qua việc tập trung mạnh mẽ vào người tiêu dùng / người mua, phản ánh và nghiên cứu về chiến lược và kết quả: ra mắt các sản phẩm và chiến dịch nhắm mục tiêu đến cả nhóm khách hàng phổ thông và khách hàng ngách, các chiến dịch được tích hợp và tối ưu hóa trong một số chức năng, bao gồm bao bì trong cửa hàng và quảng cáo, kỹ thuật số, quảng cáo, truyền thông và khuyến mãi. Karine làm việc hiệu quả dựa trên sự cam kết cá nhân, tính chính trực và tinh thần đồng đội.
Senior marketing executive with over 18 years of sales experience in developing and executing targeted marketing strategies for FMCG and Entertainment products.
Karine has a proven track record of growing market share, sales and profits, through strong consumer/shopper focus, strategic thinking and drive for results. Launched products and campaigns targeting both broad & niche consumer groups. Integrated & optimised campaigns across multiple functions including packaging & in-store creative, digital, publicity, media and promotions. Strong work ethics based on personal commitment, integrity and team work.
Eric gia nhập CNCF vào năm 2016, sau 40 năm làm việc trong lĩnh vực Du lịch và Khách sạn.
Trong 20 năm đầu tiên của sự nghiệp, Eric là Giám đốc Kinh doanh, sau đó là Giám đốc Kinh doanh và Tiếp thị cho nhiều tập đoàn khách sạn như Meridian, Hilton, Holiday Inn và George V ở Paris, sau đó là Tổng Giám đốc của Western France. Trong 20 năm tiếp theo, Eric thành lập công ty tư vấn của mình cho các khách sạn hạng nhất, các tập đoàn khách sạn lớn và DMC, cũng như Ủy ban Du lịch Quốc gia Châu Âu, chuyên về các điểm đến ở Ấn Độ Dương, Trung Đông và Đông Á.
Eric joined CNCF in 2016 after 40 years in the Tourism and Hotel industry.
Eric’s first 20 years were dedicated in position of Sales Manager to D.O.S.M in various hotel companies such as Meridien, Hilton, Holiday Inn and George V in Paris then General Manager Bestern France. During the previous 20 years eric started hiw Consulting Company representing individual first-class Hotels, 4 and 5* Hotel Companies and DMC as well as foreign National Tourism office over Europe, specializing in Indian Ocean, Middle Eastern and Far Eastern destinations.
Vào tháng 1 năm 2010, Caroline gia nhập CNCF trong vai trò tình nguyện viên quản trị văn phòng, sau sự nghiệp kiến trúc sư cảnh quan và ngành Sinh học-Địa chất. Sau đó, Caroline trở thành người đứng đầu văn phòng Pháp và thủ quỹ.
Karine joined CNCF as a volunteer admistrator in January 2010 after a sucessful career as a landscape gardener and a DEUG in Biology-Geology – Karine later became the office manager and treasurer.
Jean-Antoine helped to establish l’Association Christina Noble France in 1993 shortly after meeting and being inpisred by Christina Noble. Jean-Antoine previously enjoyed a career as an economics and finance editor and publisher which he still enjoys to this day.
Inspired by Christina Noble’s story, Sandra joined the Foundation in 2002 and is responsible for leading, organising and motivating a team of fellow volunteers to plan, promote and manage CNCF Hong Kong’s successful fundraising events portfolio.
Passionate about helping children in need, Sandra joined the Hong Kong fundraising board in 2008 and has collectively helped to raise over HK$12 million for CNCF.
Eileen has been involved with the Christina Noble Children’s Foundation in Hong Kong since 2007 when she first volunteered her time working with the Events team on the Dubai Rugby 7s. She then accepted the role of General Manager in early 2008 before moving back in to the commercial sector in August 2011.
She remains actively engaged with the Foundation as a Director on the Hong Kong fundraising board, continuing to maximise their opportunities for Corporate Social Development in the region.
Originally from an Irish family in the UK, Eileen moved to Hong Kong with Verizon at the end of 2003, and held a variety of regional roles with the company until March 2007. After 5 years of running BT’s APAC Collaboration business, Eileen joined EY’s Financial Services Organisation in 2017 as Alliance Leader for Asia Pacific. She is also the Global Client Executive with responsibility for managing EY’s relationship with the Hong Kong Exchange (HKEX).
A Permanent Resident of Hong Kong SAR, Eileen attempts to speak passable Cantonese, and has been involved in many local community initiatives in Hong Kong. Eileen is the Vice Chair of the Women in Business Committee for the British Chamber of Commerce, has a BSc in from Goldsmith’s College/London University, and is an Alumnus of the Hong Kong University Board Directorship programme 2014.
Lesley-Anne Thadani is a British expat who has been based in Hong Kong since 2010. She currently runs her own consultancy company and was previously a partner at KPMG. She has over 20 years of experience and has spent most of her career working with global financial services companies, helping them to implement large transformation programmes. She originally joined the Hong Kong Board in 2016 and then helped CNCF establish the International Board, serving on the International Board for a year. She now has returned to her role on the Hong Kong fundraising board.
Olivier Dang is the Global Chief Operating Officer for the Wholesale Digital Office of Nomura. He supports the development and implementation of the digital strategy of Nomura’s Wholesale business. Olivier has been at Nomura since 2010 and held various roles in Corporate Strategy and Business Management. Prior to this, he was a Management Consultant at McKinsey in London and he started his career as an entrepreneur building a mobile internet company in France. He holds a MSc in Telecommunications from Chalmers University of Technology, an engineering degree from the Institut Superieur d’Electronique de Paris and a M.B.A. from the London Business School.
Louise Finlay first visited South East Asia when fresh out of university and was touched by many of the children she met as she traveled around the region. Determined to support some of these vulnerable children, she soon learnt of the great work being carried out by CNCF and is now excited to be on the Board to see how she can help to bring more children a happy and safe childhood with opportunities for the future. Louise is from the UK originally and moved to Hong Kong in 2005. Having held various senior positions in Sourcing, Marketing Services & Design companies, Louise is now the APAC Strategic Sourcing Director for HH Global. Louise lives in Hong Kong with her husband and two young children.
Simon Page is an accomplished sales, branding and sponsorship professional, with more than twenty-seven years of experience in the Asia Pacific region. Presently he works with VODXS LLC as Vice President for Asia Pacific, where he is responsible for introducing the world’s first patented digital display faucets to Asia and for managing all distribution and advertising sales. Prior to VODXS, Simon has held senior positions with numerous blue-chip corporations, including almost ten years as Head of Brand and Marketing for Asia with Barclays Banks, as well as advertising sales leadership roles at Fox Networks, BBC World News and Dow Jones, where he had a proven track record for building sustainable client relationships, generating compelling advertising solutions and growing sales revenues
Kate Greer’s background was in T.V.production, primarily for the BBC, where over the course of many years she had the privilege of working with major names across the music and drama industry. It was while working on a programme called, “This Is Your Life” that she met Christina Noble and became involved with the Foundation and invited to become a Trustee. She eventually worked as the senior administrator in the Foundation’s UK office finally retiring in 2017 but remains on the Board of Trustees.
Beata Ogmore’s background is in accounting and finance. She worked for Banham Patent Locks for a total of 17 years where she was the Financial Controller. She has now retired. Beata was invited onto the Board by Chairman, Tom Ward in 2011.
Shane Bannerton is Head of Corporate and Legal at United Trust Bank Limited (UTB), a London based private bank. He was previously Head of Finance at both UTB and Aldermore Bank Limited, and Finance Director at Ruffler Bank Plc. He is a Certified Accountant with many years experience in senior finance roles in banking, industry and professional sports. Shane has been a Trustee of Christina Noble Children’s Foundation UK since 2011.
Tom’s background is accountancy and taxation, having studied at North London University and London School of Accountancy in the 1980’s. He is currently the Finance Director for a group of prestigious London based security companies and acts as Chairman to a London based Charitable Foundation. Tom also has various private business interests and investments.
Tom is the original signatory to the Articles of CNCF which he helped Christina incorporate in 1992. He re-joined the Board as Trustee and Chairman in 2002.”
Founder and Chairman of Design by Appointment, her business clients are mostly based in the UAE.
Chris is a partner and co-founder of Tor Investment Management, a Hong Kong based investment management business. Chris earned a dual degree BS in Finance and Computer Science/Management Information Systems from Boston College in 1994. He has lived and worked in HK since 2000, and is married with two lovely daughters. Chris became Chairman of the Board for CNCF-USA in 2012.
Erica Aiello is the Administrator of Kingo srl – Origamo, the number one brand for handmade greeting cards in Italy. Mother of two children, Giovanni and Adriano, she heard of CNCF thanks to the movie “Noble” and, together with her husband, she met Christina in June 2017. This encounter touched her so much that she decided to get involved and support CNCF’s efforts, she later founded the CNCF Italy office.
Furio Ceciliato is the founder of Origamo, the number one brand for handmade greeting cards in Italy. Furio developed a deep connection with Vietnam and the Vietnamese people over the years and it felt natural for him to decide to get involved and promote fundraising for the Foundation in Italy.
Mr. Nguyen Huu Nghia holds a Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Finance and Accounting and is the Chief Accountant and Vice Director of CNCF Vietnam. He has been serving the Foundation for more than ten years and now plays the role as head supervisor, managing the financial aspects of all CNCF Vietnam projects and office operational activities. Mr. Nghia is also head of CNCF’s capital projects which executes the building and equipping of kindergartens and water tanks and manages the human resources of CNCF Vietnam.
Eric a rejoint CNCF en 2016, après avoir travaillé 40 ans dans le Tourisme et l’Hôtellerie.
Durant les 20 premières années de sa carrière, Eric a été responsable des ventes, puis Directeur des Ventes et du Marketing de nombreuses compagnies hôtellières comme Meridian, Hilton, Holiday Inn et George V à Paris, puis Responsable Général de Western France. Puis les 20 années suivantes, Eric a créé sa compagnie de consulting pour les hotels individuels de première classe, les compagnies d’hôtels de 4 et 5* et DMC, et un Office de Tourisme national européen, se spécialisant dans les destinations de l’Océan Indien, du Moyen-Orient et de l’Extrême-Orient.
Cadre supérieur en marketing avec plus de 18 ans d’expérience dans la vente de stratégies de marketing ciblées pour les produits PGC et de divertissement, Karine a fait ses preuves en augmentant sa part de marché, les ventes et profits, grâce à une forte concentration des consommateurs/acheteurs, à une réflexion et une recherche sur la stratégique et les résultats : lancement de produits et de campagnes ciblant à la fois les grands groupes de consommateurs et les créneaux, des campagnes intégrées et optimisées dans plusieurs fonctions, y compris l’emballage et la création en magasin, le numérique, la publicité, les médias et les promotions. Karine a une solide éthique de travail fondée sur l’engagement personnel, l’intégrité et le travail d’équipe.
En janvier 2010, Caroline a rejoint CNCF en tant que bénévole pour devenir administratrice, après une carrière réussie de paysagiste et un DEUG de Biologie-Géologie. Puis, Caroline est devenue responsable du bureau France et trésorière.
Marianne a toujours été passionnée par l’humanitaire et a étudié les Sciences Humaines. Après avoir été diplôméee en Histoire de l’Art, Egyptologie et communication, elle a travaillé pour des institutions françaises avant de rejoindre CNCF en 2016 comme Chargée de Communication et Fundraising.
Greg Sugars is the CEO of Preston Rowe Paterson Australasia, one of Australia’s and New Zealand’s
most experienced and well-regarded property services companies with expertise across the full spectrum of property classes. Greg has been involved with the valuation industry since 1989. He has been at the forefront of the valuation industry aggregation and technological advances, firstly as the founding CEO of Opteon and more recently with Preston Rowe Paterson. Greg is a proficient public speaker and has given many talks on the property sector around Australia.
Greg has always been a keen supporter of the Non Profit Sector and has served on numerous Boards
over 30 years. These include charities with a direct focus on youth homelessness and with educational and jobs programmes for the disadvantaged. Greg was a Rotarian for over 30 years and was awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship in recognition of his community work in 2013. In 2015, Greg was awarded a Medal of The Order of Australia for his services to the community. Greg currently serves as a Board Member of Carrum Downs Financial Services (the holder of a Bendigo Community Bank franchise) and as a Director of The Peninsula School (A private grammar school in Melbourne). Greg was appointed Chairman of the CNCF Australia Board in 2020.
Finance Director
Angus is a Chartered Accountant who works as an Executive at Macquarie Group. Prior to this, he worked in audit at EY where
he was involved with developing the Sydney Foundation’s strategic initiatives to increase staff engagement. Angus has a strong belief in providing all children with equal opportunities and is passionate about removing obstacles that limit their ability to
develop to their full potential. He has spent time in Asia serving disadvantaged communities and has witnessed the transformative benefits of high-quality, long-term international development programs. Angus has experience in advising clients and building
control frameworks. Angus was
appointed Finance Director of the CNCF Australia Board in November 2019.
John Nguyen is a Data Scientist consultant and has been working in Finance and Banking with some of Australia’s largest corporations such as Commonwealth Bank of Australia,
Ernst & Young over the last 15 years.
John has a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce from UNSW majoring in Actuarial Studies and Computer Science and is a member of the Vietnamese community in Sydney. John is experienced in organising events and has operated multiple businesses. He is passionate about encouraging Vietnamese community leaders and influencers to bring relevance and impact to disadvantaged Vietnamese children.
John was appointed Director of the CNCF Australia Board in October 2019.
Batbayar is 14 years old and the oldest brother to his siblings with his youngest brother only 8 months old, they were abandoned by their father and looked after by their single mother. Their living conditions in destitute and transient housing for most of the children’s young lives have caused significant physical and mental impacts on this young family. Batbayar is in year 9 and loves going to school along with his siblings but the unstable housing conditions make it extremely hard for him to maintain his studies. Batbayar and his family have been renting a dilapidated Ger for 6 years, finding minimal shelter from the harsh elements but the owner of the Ger now wants the property back forcing the family to live on the streets. Batbayar’s mother has pleaded for the owner to wait until after the harsh winter season has passed as they have nowhere else to go. Batbayar’s mother is unable to find stable work due to low skills, no qualifications. The total family income each month is $101 USD which is not enough to cover the families basic necessities let alone a new home.
The Give-a-Ger Programme was established in Mongolia by Christina Noble in 2001 to provide children and families living in horrifying circumstances new beautiful traditional Mongolian Ger homes to live in. In Ulaanbaatar, the coldest capital city in the world, with temperatures regularly reaching -30 C and -40 C, having a place of shelter from the elements is essential for survival but people living in extreme poverty have no choice but to find shelter under cold stairwells, dilapidated wooden coal sheds, or in run-down damaged gers. For many vulnerable people living in these harsh conditions, having the warmth and security of a home is just a dream but together, we can make this a reality.
With your help, Batbayar’s family will receive a sustainable, enduring, highest quality five-wall ger with a full set of furniture including sofas with expandable beds, table/desk, chairs, kitchen unit, wardrobe, drawers and a ger stove used for both cooking and for keeping the family warm. We purchase all of our gers from a well-known and reputable Mongolian company that uses only the best quality wood and insulating felt on the market. With your help, CNCF can support Batbayar’s family by providing them with a warm, comfortable and stable home out of the harsh winter cold this Christmas. By providing a home you not only provide safety and shelter but stability for the children to continue their education, better conditions for the health of the family and a beautiful home they so desperately need and truly deserve.
*Names and identities of those featured have been changed for Child Protection.
Please help us to reach our goal of $3,800 USD to support Batbayar and his family this Christmas,
YOU can be a part of transforming this family’s life.
Fiona has worked for Christina Noble Children’s Foundation for thirteen years. During this time she has worked in the UK office where she has organised various fundraising events and been the point of contact for fundraisers, and volunteers.
Before taking on the Office Manager role five years ago, Fiona was the Child Sponsorship administrator. Fiona has travelled to Vietnam on many occasions and spent two summers in Mongolia where she worked on the finish line to greet the participants of the Mongol Rally.
The Mongol rally is an annual event, which sees teams drive from the UK to Mongolia and raise money for charity, CNCF were a beneficiary charity for over 6 years Prior to working for the Foundation Fiona worked for 15 years in the travel industry.
Trước khi gia nhập CNCF, Andrew làm việc tại Đại học Central Florida trong vai trò nhà văn và nhà phân tích nghiên cứu. Anh cũng là nhà văn và biên tập viên tự do từ năm 2006. Anh tốt nghiệp Đại học Central Florida (B.S. về Sinh học Phân tử và Vi sinh, 2003) và Đại học Cambridge (M.Phil về Nghiên cứu Phát triển, 2011).
Prior to joining CNCF, Andrew worked at the University of Central Florida as a writer and research analyst. He has also worked as a freelance writer and editor since 2006. He is a graduate of the University of Central Florida (B.S. in Molecular Biology and Microbiology, 2003) and the University of Cambridge (M.Phil in Development Studies, 2011).
Tốt nghiệp Đại học Bang Florida, năm 2008, với bằng Cử nhân Khoa học Xã hội học và chuyên ngành Dinh dưỡng. Thực tập tại Mái ấm Nữ vào năm 2009 với một nhân viên xã hội của trường. Giáo viên dạy thay tại Trường Tiểu học và Trung học Sneads trong khi đạt chứng chỉ giáo viên về Giáo dục Tiểu học K-6. Bắt đầu làm giáo viên tiểu học tại Trường Tiểu học Gadsden Magnet 2013. Chuyển sang Trường Tiểu học Sneads vào năm 2015 sau khi tích lũy kinh nghiệm làm giáo viên tiểu học và là Trưởng nhóm Chăm sóc Sức khỏe của Trường Tiểu học Sneads để tăng cường sức khỏe và thể chất giữa các giảng viên và học sinh. Tham gia Christina Noble Children’s Foundation 2018 với tư cách Điều phối viên Bảo trợ Trẻ em.
Graduated from Florida State University, in 2008, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Sociology and minor in Nutrition. Interned with the Women’s Shelter in 2009 with a school social worker. Substitute taught at Sneads Elementary and Sneads High School while earning a permanent teacher’s certification for Elementary Education K-6. Began employment as an elementary school teacher at Gadsden Elementary Magnet School 2013. Transitioned to Sneads Elementary in 2015 after gaining experience as an elementary school teacher and am the Wellness Team Leader of Sneads Elementary to promote health and wellness among faculty and students. Joined Christina Noble Children’s Foundation 2018 as Child Sponsorship Coordinator.
Tốt nghiệp Đại học Bang Florida, năm 2007, với bằng Cử nhân Tâm lý học. Đã làm việc 5 năm trong Bộ Giáo dục Pháp ở vị trí Giáo sư và Gia sư tiếng Anh. Tốt nghiệp năm 2012, tại Đại học Paris Sud, với bằng Thạc sĩ về Ngoại giao và Đàm phán Chiến lược, và từ Trường Cao học Hoa Kỳ ở Paris, với bằng Thạc sĩ về Quan hệ Quốc tế và Ngoại giao. Bắt đầu làm việc với CNCF Hoa Kỳ vào năm 2013, sau hai năm thực tập và gây quỹ cho CNCF Pháp. Các hoạt động phi lợi nhuận khác bao gồm: Trung tâm Chăm sóc Trẻ em của Bệnh viện Tưởng niệm Tallahassee, Hội Trẻ em Tại gia, Dịch vụ Thanh niên Thành phố Thủ đô, Tổ chức Parkinson, Tiếp cận Nhận thức của Parkinson và Good News Outreach.
Graduated from Florida State University, in 2007, with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology. Worked for 5 years under the French Ministry of Education, as an English Professor and Tutor. Graduated in 2012, from Universite Paris Sud, with a Master’s degree in Diplomacy and Strategic Negotiation, and from the American Graduate School in Paris, with a Master’s degree in International Relations and Diplomacy. Began employment with CNCF USA in 2013, after two years of interning and fundraising for CNCF France. Other non-profit involvement includes: Tallahassee Memorial Hospital Childcare Center, Children’s Home Society, Capital City Youth Services, Parkinson’s Foundation, Parkinson’s Awareness Outreach, and Good News Outreach.
Ann Chan is the General Manager for the Christina Noble Children’s Foundation Hong Kong and responsible for the day to day running of this fund raising office with the help from a small team and a group of dedicated volunteers. Ann was born in Hong Kong and immigrated to Canada in her teens. She graduated from the University of Toronto, double majored in Economics & East Asian Studies; venturing into the real estate market as a real estate agent for 2 years in Toronto. Ann had then set her career path in the administration area at managerial level in the last 25 years, bringing extensive knowledge to set structure to this unique office and dedicated to support the ground work that CNCF does in Vietnam and Mongolia.
Angela graduated from UCLA with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and received a certification from UC Berkeley’s BASE Program (Business for Arts, Science, and Engineering), a certification from ICC (International Culinary Center) in Fine Cooking, and a Level 2 certification for WSET (Wine & Spirit Education Trust). For 6 years, Angela worked with Cisco Systems working as a Software Engineer before moving to Vietnam in 2016 to focus on her family’s business in furniture manufacturing. In 2019, Angela co-founded Furniture Industry for Education (FIFE) with Robert Kimbrell which raises funds to support CNCF’s Educational Programmes in Vietnam.
Brian Moss có chuyên ngành Kế toán Công chứng và được KPMG điều đến làm việc tại Hồng Kông . Sau đó, ông gia nhập HSBC tại Hồng Kông, nơi ông đã dành gần 20 năm trong bộ phận ngân hàng đầu tư, điều hành các doanh nghiệp toàn cầu phức tạp. Ông đã tạo dựng được danh tiếng mạnh mẽ trong việc xác định các ý tưởng có khả năng mang lại giá trị và sau đó tạo ra các cấu trúc để tối đa hóa giá trị đó. Sau khi rời HSBC, ông đã thành lập các doanh nghiệp khách sạn và từng đoạt nhiều giải thưởng. Ông đã áp dụng kỹ năng kinh doanh của mình trong lĩnh vực NGO và thông qua các sự kiện quy mô lớn, mang lại hiệu quả tích cực trong việc huy động số tiền lớn cho CNCF. Brian trở thành Chủ tịch Hội đồng CNCF Hồng Kông vào tháng 01 năm 2019 và tham gia Ban Điều hành Quốc tế vào tháng 05 năm 2020. Brian cũng là chủ tịch của Ủy ban Tài trợ và Gây quỹ Toàn cầu. Brian được bổ nhiệm làm Chủ tịch Hội đồng Quản trị Quốc tế của CNCF vào tháng 01 năm 2022.
Brian Moss qualified as a Chartered Accountant and was seconded to Hong Kong with KPMG. He then joined HSBC in Hong Kong where he spent almost 20 years in their investment banking division, running complex global businesses. He built a strong reputation for identifying ideas capable of delivering value and then creating structures to maximise that value. After leaving HSBC, he set up award-winning hospitality businesses. He has carried his business skills into the NGO sector and through large scale events, has been instrumental in raising large sums for CNCF. Brian became Chair of the CNCF Hong Kong Board in January 2019 and joined the International Board in May 2020. Brian is also chair of the Global Fundraising and Sponsorship Committee. Brian was appointed Chairman of CNCF’s International Board of Directors in January 2022.
Robert has a diverse background in the furniture industry spanning over 18 years. He currently serves as Chief Operating Officer of Holland House Furniture, an importer of furniture from SE Asia. In 2019, Robert in partnership with Angela Hsu, formed the Furniture Industry for Education (FIFE), to raise funds to support CNCF’s Educational Programmes in Vietnam. In FIFE’s first 4 years alone, FIFE raised more than $450,000 USD to provide and support vulnerable children with the transformative power of education.
Michelle is an experienced senior executive who leads with a results-driven, dynamic approach to marketing, communication, and corporate affairs. Having held leadership roles in Technology, Property, Proptech and Consumer products, she has proven expertise in navigating complex work environments, whilst empowering teams on agile methodologies for high performance outcomes. With her unique portfolio career strengths, Michelle has supported organisations to grow revenue, reach more people, and create and maintain a strong reputation with exceptional risk mitigation.
Michelle was appointed Director of the CNCF Australia Board in January 2023.
Yu Dan was appointed Director of the CNCF Australia Board in October 2023.
Yu Dan is a sought after executive coach, mentor and speaker. Yu Dan specialises in helping leaders and professionals achieve optimal work and life fulfilment.
Prior to launching her practice, Yu Dan held senior leadership roles within Fortune 100 companies. She was the Director of Behavioral Science for CoachHub, Director of Strategy at Adobe and Chief Marketing Officer for Lenovo and Cisco. She also served as an Executive Coach for KPMG partners. Yu Dan has a MBA and a Master of Coaching Psychology. Yu Dan is also the author of best-selling book Come Alive – Live a life with more meaning and joy.
Andy was appointed Director of the CNCF Australia Board in August 2020. Andy brings over 30 years’ experience as a Senior Business Executive in the Technology Sector and with extensive expertise in the JPAC region having lived and worked between Hong Kong and Sydney for the past 20 years. He is Vice President, Asia of a division of one the world’s leading Technology Companies where he helps Governments and Businesses in the Energy, Infrastructure, Engineering and Construction sectors. He has a passion for creating growth, developing culture, embracing diversity and providing strong and trusted leadership in a wide array of organizations from Non-Profit to self-owned and Public Companies including one of Australia’s most prominent Tech IPOs and Trade sales. Andy is an Engineer and an Accountant and is a graduate of Stanford University’s Executive Programme on Leadership and Corporate Governance.
For any donation over HK $100 made, we are able to issue you with a taxable receipt, please contact for more information.
Account Name: Christina Noble Children’s Foundation (HK) Ltd
Bank Name: HSBC Ltd
Bank Address: 1 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong
Accepts: US$ and HK$
Account Number: 500-316153-838
Bank Code: 004
Pour tout don égal ou supérieur à 10€ vous recevrez un reçu fiscal. Pour cela merci d’indiquer vos Nom, Prénom, Adresse postale et Email.Si vous êtes un individuel, vous pouvez déduire de vos impôts 75% du montant des dons jusqu’à 537 €. Au-delà de ce montant, ou si vous n’êtes pas un individuel, le taux est de 66% pour un montant de dons pouvant atteindre jusqu’à 20% de votre revenu net imposable.
Account Name: Association Christina Noble
Bank Name: Le Crédit Lyonnais
Bank Address: 20 Boulevard Malesherbes / 75008 Paris/ France
Account No: 30002 00693 0000448369B 33
Make your donation go further! If an individual donates €250 or more in a year, CNCF (Approved Body) can claim Tax Relief through the Charitable Donation Scheme. This means that CNCF can receive a further 31% of your donate amount. For more information please contact CNCF Ireland, 22 South Frederick Street, Dublin 2, 0871262272 or email
Account Name: The Christina Noble Children’s Foundation Ltd.
Bank Name: Allied Irish Banks PLC
Bank Address: 101 Grafton Street, Dublin 2
Account No: 02050-297
Sort Code: 93-12-33
Bic/Swift: AIBKIE2D
IBAN: IE63 AIBK 9312 3302 0502 97
Per tutte le donazioni effettuate verrà emessa regolare ricevuta. L’attestazione rilasciata non ha valore fiscale: gli importi donati sono deducibili o detraibili ai sensi della vigente normativa fiscale e solo se effettuati con mezzi di pagamento tracciabili. La “Christina Noble Children’s Foundation Italia” non persegue scopo di lucro ed è esente I.V.A. in quanto non si configura come impresa di cui all’art. 4 del DPR 633 del 26 ottobre 1972 né come esercizio di arti e professioni di cui all’art. 5 del D.P.R. n. 633 del 26 ottobre 1972 e successive modificazioni. NB: Per poterci consentire di inviare tale attestazione, vi preghiamo di indicare il vostro nome, cognome, codice fiscale, indirizzo postale ed indirizzo email scrivendo a
E’ possibile donare a mezzo bonifico bancario alle seguenti coordinate:
Bank Name (Nome Banca): Credito Cooperativo di Bene e Vagienna
Bank Address (Indirizzo Banca): Filiale di Torino, Via Andra Doria 10, 10123 – Torino – Italy
Account No (Numero di conto corrente): 130114843
IBAN: IT35S0838201000000130114843
Account name: Christina Noble Children’s Foundation
Bank name: Trade and Development Bank, Ulaanbaatar
Bank address: Trade and Development Bank of Mongolia, 19 Peace Avenue, Khoroo 1, Sukhbaatar District, Ulaanbaatar, 14210
USD Account number: 404036993
MNT Account number: 404037001
Swift code: TDBMMNUB
CHIPS Code: 104939
Please contact our office at for transfer details.
Make your donation go further! If you are a UK taxpayer then CNCF is able to claim 20p gift aid for every pound of your donation, please contact for more information.
Account Name: The Christina Noble Children’s Foundation Ltd.
Bank Name: NatWest
Bank Address: NatWest, 1 High Street, Woking, GU21 6BG
Account No: 03722090
Sort Code: 60-24-20
Bic/Swift: NWBKGB2L
IBAN: GB21 NWBK 60242003722090
If you can, please add a description including your name and email address to your bank transfer, we would like to make sure you receive a receipt.
Bank name: HSBC Bank (VietNam) Ltd.
Address: The Metropolitan, 235 Dong Khoi Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
USD Account Number: 001-018548-161
EURO Account Number: 001-018548-148
VND Account Number: 001-018548-061
If you can, please add a description including your name and email address to your bank transfer, we would like to make sure you receive a receipt.
Account Name: Christina Noble Children’s Foundation (HK) Ltd
Bank Name: HSBC Ltd
Bank Address: 1 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong
Accepts: US$ and HK$
Account Number: 500-316153-838
Bank Code: 004
Androula is a psychotherapist and a full clinical member of the UK Council for Psychotherapy. She is the Designated Mental Health Lead at Christ’s Hospital, a charitable foundation for disadvantaged children founded in 1552 by King Edward VI. Androula is a clinician, specialising in treating developmental and complex trauma as well as PTSD. She is also involved in policy development and the implementation of an organisation-wide approach to nurturing healthy young minds through her training and consultation work with staff.
Before becoming a psychotherapist, Androula was a social worker with children and their families in the South East of England and worked in fostering and adoption, family support and child protection. Androula is committed to challenging stigma in mental health in order to bring about parity of esteem in mental and physical health.
With many years in the International development sector, Mr. Nha has extensive experience in senior project management with multiple international development aid agencies and non-governmental organisations including the World Bank Group. Mr. Nha has a Master’s degree in International Development from Geneva Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies Switzerland, a Master’s degree in Public Policy from Fulbright Economics Teaching Program Vietnam and a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He lectures in project management, economics and finance at various Universities throughout Vietnam and abroad. He has lived, studied, and worked in Vietnam, Singapore, Switzerland and Germany.
Mr. Nha’s unwavering passion and commitment to utilising his experience, and with great humility, on behalf of CNCF, will continue to create quality and lasting equal opportunities to disadvantaged children and youth in Vietnam.
Ms. Thuy holds a Master’s Degree in Educational Studies, specialising in Guidance, Counselling and Career, from the University of Queensland. Having previously worked for CNCF for 12 years before leaving to complete her master’s course, she returned to the Foundation in 2020 as Director of Operations. Ms. Thuy has a strong understanding of non-profit management and extensive experience in childhood development. “I am blessed to be with CNCF where every single child’s dream and hope is listened to, respected and treated with the effort to make sure it becomes a reality. I am proud that I am able to continue making a contribution to the work of CNCF which aims at sustainable and holistic growth for every child in its care.”
Orla served as a Director on the CNCF Ireland board for over a year before becoming Chair in 2021 and is an experienced commercial leader and advisor with over 20 years experience within private and public sectors. Orla has a degree in business from Dublin Business School, ELEVEN Executive Leadership Programme, Dublin Business School and has a Certificate in Leadership Communication with Impact from INSEAD European Business School.
Originally from the UK, Jane has been living in Dubai since 2004. Jane’s involvement with CNCF began back in 2011 but it was in 2015 when Jane completed her first CNCF CamNam Challenge, CNCF’s annual cycle challenge from Cambodia to Vietnam. Since then, Jane dedicates her time and energy to lead the challenge team and complete the annual CNCF challenges across Cambodia, Vietnam and Mongolia. These challenges are life-changing experiences which connect and provide people from all across the globe with memories that last a lifetime and raise much needed funds for CNCF’s humanitarian work.
Andy Lake is an accomplished business executive with extensive leadership experience across ANZ, Asia-Pacific, and global markets in COO, VP, and GM roles. Specialising in Information Management and B2B SaaS, he has successfully driven high-growth sales from start-up to IPO and MNCs. A Chartered Accountant with an engineering background, Andy excels in financial management, governance, and strategic leadership.
A long-time CNCF supporter, Andy served as Finance Director for CNCF Australia for four years, strengthening financial stability and fundraising. As CNCF’s new Australia Chairman in January 2025, he aims to expand funding opportunities, stating: “These are challenging times, making our mission more critical than ever. I look forward to driving greater impact for the children and communities that we serve.”
Olivia joined CNCF in 2017 after a two-month volunteer stint with CNCF Vietnam. With over a decade of Marketing and Communications experience from London, UK, she relocated to Vietnam to lead CNCF’s communications team. As Head of Global Partnerships and Donor Relations, Olivia fosters key relationships and secures support for CNCF’s initiatives. Her hands-on experience in Mongolia and Vietnam enhances her strategic approach. Now back in the UK, Olivia continues her dedication to CNCF while pursuing an MSc in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy, showcasing her commitment to ongoing learning and professional growth.
Ann Chan has provided exemplary service to CNCF since 2006, spearheading fundraising efforts in Hong Kong with the aid of dedicated volunteers. Born in Hong Kong, she migrated to Canada in her teens, graduating from the University of Toronto with majors in Economics and East Asian Studies. Initially, she ventured into Toronto’s real estate market before transitioning to managerial roles in administration over the last 25 years, bringing extensive organisational knowledge to CNCF’s Hong Kong office. Ann’s commitment to CNCF and its work with children and disadvantaged communities in Vietnam and Mongolia has been unwavering, making her an indispensable part of the organisation.
Uguumur’s journey to CNCF was ignited by a profound commitment to empowering vulnerable children in Mongolia. Armed with a bachelor’s degree from Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University in Japan and a master’s in Public Policy from Corvinus University of Budapest in Hungary, she acquired the skills to navigate complex socio-economic landscapes. Transitioning into her role at CNCF in 2023, Uguumur leverages her project management experience from the banking sector to oversee 11 programmes addressing diverse needs. Collaborating with internal and external partners, she ensures smooth operations, maximising impact on Mongolia’s communities. Uguumur’s strategic vision and unwavering dedication drive CNCF’s initiatives forward, advocating tirelessly for Mongolia’s children, embodying CNCF’s values, and catalysing positive change in the lives of those most in need.
Ms. Quy holds a Master’s degree in Environmental Sciences and boasts over 15 years of extensive experience in child safeguarding and protection. Her expertise lies in combatting child trafficking, child labour exploitation, street children, migrant children, and children with disabilities across Vietnam. With a deep understanding of domestic and international child protection regulations, Ms. Quy has made significant contributions to various international non-governmental organisations (INGOs) in Vietnam. Her efforts have forged robust connections with multilateral partners and stakeholders at all levels in the field of child protection. As a leader, Ms. Quy excels in project management, strategic planning, and executive roles. Her transparent nature, patience, and creative mindset facilitate effective communication across diverse cultures and with various partners. Selected to attend global leadership programmes in the US, EU, and Japan, she continually enriches her skill set and expands her global network.
Thanh Vo is a dynamic development professional with over 15 years of experience driving transformative change across non-profit, business, and government sectors. Rising from Executive Assistant to Deputy Director of Partnerships and Communications at the Christina Noble Children’s Foundation Vietnam (CNCF), Thanh exemplifies commitment and expertise. She holds an MSc in Business from Northumbria University, UK, and an Executive Diploma in Development Practice and Policy from the Geneva Graduate Institute. At CNCF, she spearheads impactful community initiatives, utilizing AI technology and strategic communications to enhance the Foundation’s reach and effectiveness. Through her compassionate leadership, Thanh fosters cross-sector collaboration and empowers working women to achieve a sustainable work-life balance.
Thomas commenced his role as CNCF Regional Executive Director Asia in November 2024, splitting his time between Vietnam and Mongolia. He brings extensive experience in the NGO sector and a strong commitment to improving the lives of vulnerable communities. As Country Director of CNCF Mongolia (2013–2020), he doubled community programs, significantly enhancing services for marginalized children and their communities. In his current role, Thomas leads operations, strengthens existing initiatives, and drives effective organizational change management to foster adaptability. His strategic vision has been vital for the Foundation’s growth, earning accolades including “Best International Youth Organisation Mongolia 2019,” the Ulaanbaatar Medal of Major Cooperation, and the Ulaanbaatar 375th Anniversary Medal from the City Mayor. Thomas is dedicated to driving systemic change to ensure our programs effectively meet local needs.
Since 2018, Thomas has served on the International Board of the Christina Noble Children’s Foundation (CNCF), playing a vital role in shaping the Foundation’s strategic direction and governance. He was previously a Country Director of CNCF Mongolia and doubled community programs during his tenure, significantly enhancing services for marginalized children and their communities. With over a 15 years of NGO experience, he brings expertise in program development and organisational change management. His leadership fosters cross-border collaborations and drives systemic change. Thomas’s strategic vision has been instrumental in achieving significant milestones for the Foundation, ensuring CNCF remains responsive. Thomas will commence the role of CNCF Executive Director Asia in November 2024.
Adam is a leader in business transformation, strategy, and turnaround, with over 20 years of experience in enhancing finance and administration functions as strategic business partners. A data-culture architect, he has a proven record of implementing predictive modeling and process improvements to drive strategic planning. For the past 15 years, Adam has focused on the non-profit sector, collaborating with boards and CEOs to build effective teams and ensure financial performance aligns with mission impact. Currently, he serves as CFO for the Rainforest Alliance, a $130MM international conservation NGO. Previously, Adam held executive roles in various charitable organizations and began his career at Bank of America, leading Six Sigma initiatives. Adam is based in Washington, DC.
Susanne qualified as a solicitor with the Law Society of England and Wales, bringing over 20 years of experience in governance, legal, and human resources. She currently leads the Non-Governmental Organisation Practice Group at SRI Executive, focusing on executive search and consulting for international NGOs, climate change, sustainability, and multilateral agencies. Susanne also consults on governance and organisational development. Previously, she served as Senior Legal & HR Manager for the Global Water Partnership and held senior strategic roles in international law firms. Her expertise includes change management, talent management, and organisational development, where she integrates legal knowledge with behavioural sciences. Susanne specializes in legal governance, multi-cultural HR management, and project management, driving organisational growth and transformation. Susanne is based in Sweden.
Amaraa has been instrumental at the organisation since 2015, contributing extensive expertise in humanitarian development. Spearheading initiatives like mental health and trauma-informed programmes, she significantly enhances psychological support for vulnerable children and professionals in Mongolia. Amaraa spearheaded Mongolia’s first-ever International Conference of Child Psychologists for Childhood Trauma. With a Bachelor’s in Finance and Economy, she grasps the financial complexities of development work. Her Master’s in Psychology, specialising in childhood trauma, equips her to effectively address diverse challenges faced by CNCF’s communities and children, solidifying her crucial role in advancing the organisation’s mission.
Thomas Noble, a trustee with extensive experience and a familial connection, brings valuable insights to his role. Formerly Director of Operations at CNCF Mongolia (2014 – 2020), he doubled community programmes, expanding services to disadvantaged children. Thomas’s strategic vision has driven the Foundation’s growth. Notable accolades include “Best International Organization 2019” by Mongolia’s Youth Development Agency. He received personal acknowledgments like the Ulaanbaatar Medal of Major Cooperation and the Ulaanbaatar 375th Anniversary Medal from the City Mayor, highlighting his contributions to Mongolia. Thomas joined the CNCF International Board in 2018 and became Deputy Chairman in 2024.
Tom brings over 30 years of experience as a C-level Executive with expertise in finance and taxation. Currently serving as the Chief Finance Director for a group of prestigious companies based in London, Tom also manages various private business interests and investments. His connection to CNCF runs deep, as he was the original signatory to the Articles of Incorporation, assisting Founder Christina Noble in formally establishing her Foundation as a British Charity in Tom’s ongoing involvement and support have been invaluable in shaping the Foundation’s mission and operations over the past 35 years, making him an integral part of its historic fabric. Tom joined the CNCF International Board in 2024.
Nha Nguyen is a prominent figure in sustainable development, with a solid foundation in public policy and management, sustainable investing, and strategic project management from his work with NGOs and entities like the World Bank Group. His educational credentials, including master’s degrees in International Development and Public Policy and a bachelor’s in Civil Engineering, enable him to contribute significantly to both the business and health sectors. Nha’s engagement in professional associations and his commitment to mental wellbeing, combined with his teaching on leadership, management, and mindfulness practices, highlight his dedication to the Christina Noble Children’s Foundation’s mission. This mission focuses on creating fair opportunities for Vietnam’s disadvantaged youth.
Helenita Noble, a staunch advocate for children’s rights and devoted humanitarian, has worked alongside her mother, Christina Noble, since 1995. Recognised for her exceptional contributions, she received an MBE in 2022 for her charity work. As CEO of the Christina Noble Children’s Foundation (CNCF) since 2016, Helenita implemented organisational changes to secure her mother’s legacy and ensure long-term sustainability. Under her leadership, CNCF has received numerous accolades from governments, notably the Order of Friendship Medal from Vietnam’s President in 2020. Helenita’s leadership has been pivotal in guiding CNCF towards greater effectiveness and impact, ensuring its continuity into the next generation. She currently serves as CNCF CEO and sits on the CNCF International Board.
Lesley Anne, a Scot residing in Hong Kong since 2010, boasts extensive programme management experience in both Hong Kong and the UK, driving transformative change. Currently Chief Finance Transformation at Prudential Corporation Asia, her expertise encompasses leadership, programme and change management, and financial stewardship. Previously a CNCF Hong Kong board director and now on its Fundraising Committee, Lesley Anne helped establish the inaugural CNCF International Board in 2017/2018. Her unwavering dedication since 2015 has propelled CNCF’s mission of improving children’s lives, marking her as an indispensable asset in furthering the foundation’s goals.
Sandy Burgess, with a commendable 22-year tenure at the Christina Noble Children’s Foundation (CNCF), is a dedicated advocate for disadvantaged children and communities, and an exceptional events management professional. Founder of Hong Kong’s renowned Ladies Long Lunch, a key fundraiser for CNCF, she exhibits remarkable leadership and organisation, leading teams of volunteers in planning and executing successful fundraising events. Sandy’s event management skills, coupled with her unwavering commitment, have been instrumental in raising vital funds and awareness for CNCF’s initiatives. Her tireless efforts significantly contribute to CNCF’s mission, benefiting countless disadvantaged children and communities. Sandy’s dedication and expertise continue to drive positive change, enriching lives under CNCF’s care.
Eileen O’Connell, a seasoned female business leader, boasts over 25 years of expertise in strategy, innovation, and client relations. Actively involved with the Christina Noble Children’s Foundation (CNCF) since 2007, she served as CNCF Hong Kong General Manager from 2008 to 2011. Eileen leverages her extensive network as an active member of CNCF’s Hong Kong fundraising board and as the emcee and founding member of the Ladies Long Lunch, raising over $1.65 million USD. With a background at Verizon and BT, she joined EY’s Financial Services Organisation in 2017. Eileen actively engages in local community initiatives and serves as Vice Chair of the Women in Business Committee for the British Chamber of Commerce.
Trinh embarked on a distinguished career with CNCF, starting as the Head of the Child Sponsorship Programme in 2000. With dedication and expertise, she ascended through the ranks, becoming Vice Director in 2003 and eventually assuming the role of Director of Operations Vietnam in 2016. Throughout her two decades of exemplary service, Trinh played a pivotal role in advancing CNCF’s mission and impact in Vietnam, overseeing organisational development and managing external relationships with government authorities. Upon retiring in February 2020 and relocating to Canada with her family, Trinh continues to contribute her wealth of development experience as a trustee of CNCF. Her ongoing commitment ensures CNCF remains guided by seasoned expertise as it navigates toward its future goals. Trinh joined the CNCF International Board in 2020.
Angela Hsu graduated from UCLA with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and earned certification from UC Berkeley’s BASE Program (Business for Arts, Science, and Engineering). After 6 years as a Software Engineer at Cisco Systems, she relocated to Vietnam in 2016 to manage her family’s furniture manufacturing business. In 2019, Angela co-founded Furniture Industry for Education (FIFE), which raises very generous funds to support CNCF’s Education Programmes, facilitating tertiary education for disadvantaged youth in Vietnam. Angela also provided her pro bono expertise in project leading CNCF’s intricate and pivotal three-year project, integrating a customised global CRM Salesforce system to enhance the foundation’s programme management capabilities. A transformative initiative that has left an indelible mark, shaping the foundation’s future humanitarian endeavours. Her unwavering commitment to CNCF eventually led to her appointment as a CNCF Board Director in 2021, furthering her impact on empowering underprivileged communities. Angela is an outstanding asset to CNCF in recent years.
Karine Dalle is a seasoned Senior Executive with over 15 years of experience in Marketing and Communications within the FMCG (Fast-Moving Consumer Goods) industry in France. Throughout her extensive career with leading international groups, Karine has spearheaded the successful launch of numerous products and played a pivotal role in the development of various brands. In addition to her corporate accomplishments, Karine has demonstrated a strong commitment to the community through her involvement as a Board Director for CNCF for the past decade. In this capacity, she has leveraged her communications, marketing, and fundraising skills to advance the mission of the organisation and make a positive impact on the lives of children and families.
With 30 years of international banking experience, Mark Devadason brings diverse expertise spanning corporate and private banking leadership, human resources, and country CEO roles. Formerly Group Head of Sustainability at Standard Chartered, he champions corporate responsibility. Currently a Non-Executive Director at Bank First and a Senior Advisor at Business for Social Responsibility, Mark combats human trafficking as a board member of the Mekong Club. He also advises APCO Worldwide as a member of their International Advisory Council. Mark chaired the inaugural CNCF International Board in 2018, later becoming Chair of CNCF Australian Board in 2022 upon returning to Sydney, showcasing his robust leadership.
Christopher, is a seasoned CNCF Trustee with over 15 years of experience. As a former head trader of Goldman Sachs, Asia Special Situation Group (ASSG), and a partner and co-founder of Tor Investment Management, Christopher’s financial expertise and strategic insights have been invaluable in guiding CNCF’s initiatives for more than 15 years. His leadership and philanthropic commitment underscore his role in advancing CNCF’s mission and supporting disadvantaged communities. Christopher’s expertise and passion make him an indispensable asset, driving positive change and shaping CNCF’s future success.
Helenita Noble, a staunch advocate for children’s rights and devoted humanitarian, has worked alongside her mother, Christina Noble, since 1995. Recognised for her exceptional contributions, she received an MBE in 2022 for her charity work. As CEO of the Christina Noble Children’s Foundation (CNCF) since 2016, Helenita implemented organisational changes to secure her mother’s legacy and ensure long-term sustainability. Under her leadership, CNCF has received numerous accolades from governments, notably the Order of Friendship Medal from Vietnam’s President in 2020. Helenita’s leadership has been pivotal in guiding CNCF towards greater effectiveness and impact, ensuring its continuity into the next generation. She currently serves as CNCF CEO and sits on the CNCF International Board.
Erik Davies, with over three decades of dedicated work in global sustainability, brings extensive experience to CNCF. His career spans management consulting, engineering, eco-startup support, and United Nations policy advocacy. Erik forges innovative partnerships between businesses and governments to address sustainability challenges, engaging heads of state, corporate leaders, and nonprofits. His communication skills have earned international awards for innovation, highlighting his ability to craft impactful messages. Previously serving as the External Affairs Officer for the United Nations, Erik collaborated with diverse media to promote global initiatives. His invaluable contributions position him as a key asset in guiding CNCF’s mission forward, leveraging his expertise to drive sustainable change.
Maria has over 25 years’ experience in brand, innovation and creative strategy with extensive multi-disciplinary design experience within in-house, corporate and consultancy. Her expertise spans across several industries from electronics to lifestyle entertainment, not-for-profit, workspace and technology, having worked with leading global brands across Europe, US and Asia Pacific. A graduate of Northwestern Kellogg’s School of Management, Maria Bourke currently holds the position of Senior Director, Market Development at Gold Peak Global Marketing in Hong Kong.
Maria was appointed Director of CNCF International Board in April 2022.
Thank you for participating in CNCF’s Children’s Walk For Hope 2022!
In order to complete your registration, please follow the below steps:
1. Select your participation price option:
Adult: ₫150,000 ($6.27 USD)
Couple: ₫250,000 ($10.43 USD)
Family: ₫350,000 ($14.62 USD)
100% of your payment (minus any bank transfer transaction charge that might incur) will be a donation directly to CNCF.
2. Using your email address as your bank transfer payment reference, transfer the stated amount above using the following bank details:
Bank name: HSBC Bank (VietNam) Ltd.
Address: The Metropolitan, 235 Dong Khoi Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
USD Account Number: 001-018548-161
EURO Account Number: 001-018548-148
VND Account Number: 001-018548-061
TO NOTE: It is integral you provide your email address as a payment reference so a member of the CNCF team is able to contact you with your registration confirmation.
3. Once payment has been received, within 2 business working days a member of the CNCF team will send your participation confirmation to the email address you provided in your transfer reference
4. You are registered! Choose your physical activity and unite with individuals in Vietnam and across the globe!
Whatever physical activity you choose on the day, CNCF would love to hear from you! Take a photo on the day of you participating in the Children’s Walk For Hope and send to to be featured in our event online communications. Thank you! #ChildrensWalkForHope
Cám ơn bạn đã tham dự Chương trình Đi bộ Thắp sáng Hi Vọng Trẻ Thơ 2022!
Để hoàn thiện bước đăng ký, vui lòng thực hiện hướng dẫn dưới đây:
1. Vui lòng chọn loại vé như sau:
Người lớn: 150.000VNĐ
Cặp đôi: 250.000VNĐ
Gia đình: 350.000VNĐ.
100% tiền bán vé (sau khi trừ phí chuyển khoản có thể có) trở thành tiền hỗ trợ trực tiếp đến Hiệp hội Christina Noble.
2. Vui lòng cung cấp địa chỉ email của bạn trong lệnh chuyển khoản ngân hàng, thanh toán mức phí ở trên với thông tin ngân hàng như sau:
Tên ngân hàng: HSBC Bank (VietNam) Ltd.
(Địa chỉ): The Metropolitan, 235 Dong Khoi Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
tài khoản USD: 001-018548-161
tài khoản EURO: 001-018548-148
tài khoản VND: 001-018548-061
Lưu ý: Vui lòng cung cấp địa chỉ email chính xác của bạn để nhân viên CNCF có thể liên lạc với bạn xác nhận việc đăng ký.
3. Sau khi khoản thanh toán được nhận, trong vòng 2 ngày làm việc, nhân viên CNCF sẽ gửi xác nhận tham gia đến địa chỉ email của bạn ghi trong lệnh chuyển khoản
4. Bạn đã đăng ký thành công. Vui lòng chọn hoạt động thể chất của bạn và tham gia cùng với các thành viên khác ở Việt Nam và trên toàn thế giới!
Cho dù bạn chọn bất kỳ hoạt động thể chất nào, CNCF rất mong muốn được nhận được hình ảnh của bạn tham dự Chương trình Chạy bộ Online Thắp sáng Hi vọng Trẻ thơ và gửi về email để quảng bá cho Chương trình này. Cám ơn rất nhiều. #ChildrensWalkForHope
Thank you for participating in CNCF’s Children’s Walk For Hope 2022!
In order to complete your registration, please follow the below steps:
1. Select your participation price option:
Adult: 15,000 MNT ($5.25 USD)
Couple: 25,000 MNT ($8.75 USD)
Family: 35,000 MNT ($12.25 USD)
100% of your payment (minus any bank transfer transaction charge that might incur) will be a donation directly to CNCF.
2. Using your email address as your bank transfer payment reference, transfer the stated amount above using the following bank details:
Account name: Christina Noble Children’s Foundation
Bank name: Trade and Development Bank, Ulaanbaatar
USD Account number: 404036993
MNT Account number: 404037001
TO NOTE: It is integral you provide your email address as a payment reference so a member of the CNCF team is able to contact you with your registration confirmation.
3. Once payment has been received, within 2 business working days a member of the CNCF team will send your participation confirmation to the email address you provided in your transfer reference
4. You are registered! Choose your physical activity and unite with individuals in Mongolia and across the globe!
Whatever physical activity you choose on the day, CNCF would love to hear from you! Take a photo on the day of you participating in the Children’s Walk For Hope and send to to be featured in our event online communications. Thank you! #ChildrensWalkForHope
КНХС-ийн “Итгэл найдварын төлөөх хүүхдүүдийн алхалт 2022” арга хэмжээнд оролцож байгаа танд баярлалаа!
Бүртгүүлэхийн тулд дараах зааврыг дагана уу:
1. Оролцох үнийн сонголтоо хийнэ үү:
Насанд хүрэгч: ₮15,000 ($5.25 USD)
Хос: ₮25,000 ($8.25 USD)
Гэр бүл: ₮35,000 ($12.25 USD)
Таны өгсөн хандив Монгол улсад хүүхэд хүчирхийлэл, мөлжлөгөөс хамгаалахад чиглэсэн КНХС-ийн үйл ажиллагаанд 100% (үүнээс банкны үйлчилгээний хураамж хасагдаж болно) зарцуулагдах юм.
2. Дараах банкны дансаар дээрх дүнг шилжүүлэхдээ гүйлгээний утга дээр имэйл хаягаа бичнэ үү.
Дансны нэр: Кристина Нобелийн Хүүхдийн Сан
Банкны нэр: Худалдаа Хөгжлийн Банк
Ам.долларын данс: 404036993
Төгрөгийн данс: 404037001
АНХААР: Төлбөрийн утга дээрээ имэйл хаяг, утасны дугаараа заавал бичих шаардлагатай. Ингэснээр бид таны бүртгэлийг баталгаажуулсан имэйлийг илгээх боломжтой болно.
3. Төлбөр хүлээн авснаас ажлын 2 өдрийн дотор таны өгсөн имэйл хаягийн дагуу КНХС-аас бүртгэл баталгаажуулсан имэйл илгээнэ.
4. Таны бүртгэл дууслаа! 5-р сарын 23-ны Ням гаригт өөрийн сонгосон спортоороо Монгол болоод дэлхийн бусад оролцогчидтой нэгдээрэй.
Та энэ өдөр ямар спортоор бидэнтэй нэгдэж байгаа вэ? “Итгэл найдварын төлөөх хүүхдүүдийн алхалт” цахим арга хэмжээнд оролцож буй зургаа тухайн өдөр бидэнд хаягаар илгээгээрэй. Бид таны зургийг онлайн платформуудаар хуваалцах болно. Баярлалаа! #ChildrensWalkForHope
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