⭐️Thank YOU. You Are Making A Big Difference ⭐️

Oct 27, 2021Uncategorized

Thank you is never enough, but it’s a start and it’s sincere and heartfelt. 💛

CNCF are immensely grateful for the outpouring of generosity and kindness from our community in response to our Emergency Relief Appeal in our last newsletter.

A very big heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you.
100% of all donations made to our Emergency Relief Fund Campaign go directly to helping children and families that are in very desperate situations.

Since we launched CNCF’s Emergency Relief Fund in 2020 our community has continued to kindly donate enabling CNCF to deliver critical humanitarian assistance to children and families whose lives have been totally dismantled by the pandemic.

It is only because of your additional support and donations, have we been able to provide emergency relief to almost 13,000 vulnerable people throughout the pandemic in addition to keeping our normal projects operating in Vietnam and Mongolia and we can never thank our community enough for this.

Your response to CNCF’s Emergency Appeal is truly a testament to what we can achieve together for those most in need.

“I was extremely worried when another lockdown was announced. I did not know how we would get through when I could no longer sell vegetables on the streets. With no income, I often skipped meals so I could save what little we had for my grandchild who lives with me. The Foundation came to us when we needed help the most, and for which I will be forever grateful. It was like a miracle happened when we received the emergency relief support from CNCF, our great burdens of daily food and rental fees were immediately alleviated. I still cry with relief everyday. I cannot thank you enough.” – Mrs. Thu*


“Having lost my job I was unable to afford food for my already malnourished young children. Living in dilapidated shelter, our lives are further burdened with hardships of the pending frigid winter of extreme snowstorms which will soon arrive. The emergency relief support of CNCF, went beyond simply providing basic necessities. We were given back our hopes knowing that there are good people out there who are willing to support vulnerable families like ours through very difficult times. Thank you CNCF and all those people who  support the Foundation’s work. You are making such a big difference to me and my children.” – Ms. Gerel*


Together, we are helping lives.
Together, we are stronger.


From Christina, the Children, the Families and all of us at CNCF.

Calling all Amazon Shoppers in the UK and USA, we have great news for you!

We are excited to share with you that 0.5% of your eligible purchases off Amazon Smile (exactly the same products, prices, and services as Amazon) could be donated to CNCF at no cost to you. Enjoy the same great selection, same offers, same great price but added huge benefits that will go a long way to support CNCF’s critical work.

Choose CNCF as your chosen charity at smile.amazon.co.uk if you are located in the UK or smile.amazon.com from the USA and start giving today!

If you would like to continue supporting CNCF’s efforts please visit us Here

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